Among other things....(an update)

...the blog can now go fully mobile and live! In fact this update was done on the move...thanks to the great Opera browser.
On another note, to those who were wondering about little Gizmo, he/she found a home with space to run about and sh!t about too. :D I believe he/she is doing well, but I intend to stay away, believe me there was a bond growing between me and the little fella/lass and the last thing you want is a bond with a duck (you won't even be able to go to the toilet alone).
Then, I opened a Flickr account.There's a photostream going but I can't remember the address.I will be posting some photos from there soon enough.
I also had an exhibition together with colleagues at University which I think it went very well. I also leave here my greatest thanks to Elaine Gilbert, my tutor and also Hung Hoang and Lisa Islam for their help putting my stuff together as I barely could make it to the prep.
Finally and in a positive note with a slight negative twist, I presenced the step down of a Prime Minister and took some shots.I was very satisfied with my work, in fact I had some seriously editorial stuff until I realised that precisely that material was corrupted in the camera card.Nevertheless, I still have some good stuff I think(will post some). But I can't supress the feeling that I presenced a bit of history and this is one reason I love photography: a piece of history framed forever.

Until next time,


Obi-wan Canadian...

